What influences student achievement most?
We would have to agree with Harry and Rosemary Wong (2009) that “teacher instructional quality is the most critical factor by which to improve student achievement” (p. 332). More effective teachers lead to higher achieving students. “We now know that good teaching matters more for student outcomes than any other school-based factor” (Coggins, Zuckerman, & McKelvey, 2010).
Wise administrators recognize and leverage the value of expert teachers. They work to attract AND grow master teachers through a culture of professional standards and development. “You cannot create a good school without good teachers. It is the administrator who creates a good school. And it is the teacher who creates a good classroom” (Wong & Wong, 2009, p. 332).
We at EduCAN work to provide tools to create a culture of professional standards and teacher development through training. We offer workshops and consultation services to schools, communities, and government departments of education. We believe the potential for greatness exists in every school and professional development will help bring it to reality.
Wong, H. K. & Wong, R. T. (2009). The first days of school. Mountain View, CA: Harry K. Wong Publications, Inc.
Coggins, C., Zuckerman, S., & McKelvey, L. (2010). Holding on to Gen Y. Educational Leadership, 67( 8), 70– 74.